Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Eric William Ericson

Born: 16 Mar 1858 (birth record)
Finspong, Östergötland, Sweden


Married: Mary R. Peterson (County Hist)
About 1894

Father: Eric William Eriksson (birth record)
Mother: Johannah Christina Nordén

1858 March 16th, born in Finspong, Sweden. The second and last child of Eric and Johannah
Ericson. His name at birth was Eric Wilhelm Ericsson (birth record)

1859 His father died after a cholera epidemic. “Too much medicine” his mother tho’t. (10 months old) (Flo Ericson Tone 1972 diary and blue spiral notebook)

1865 Immigrated to America with his mother and older brother. (7) (Flo Ericson Tone)
They landed in New York and lived in Brooklyn. (Flo Ericson Tone & Union Co. Hist.)

1869 Worked as a cash-boy in the retail store of the late A. T. Stewart for 6 months. (11) (Union Co. Hist.)

1869 Worked with Mr. V.W. Baldwin, a commission merchant, for two years. (11-13) (Union Co. Hist.)

1872 Came with his mother to Dakota territory. They lived on section 2, Big Springs Township. Their first house was of sod, with a dirt roof. Later they erected a small frame house. (13) (Union Co. Hist.)

Owner of 240 acres, Section 2, Big Springs Township. (Union Co. Hist.)

Engaged in farming and stock raising. (pg200 - Co. Hist(?))

Served as a school officer (21); clerk of Big Springs from the time it was organized; assessor for three terms. (Union Co. Hist.)

1895 Acted as postmaster in the lower house of the state legislature. (Union Co. Hist.)

1910 His brother, Edward Charles, died. He was unable to attend on account of sickness. (51) (E.C. Ericson – obit)

Held township offices for 30 years; State Senator, 1915, 1917, 1919, 1921; member, State Budget Board, 1921. (62) (pg200 – Co. Hist(?))

Member of the Republican Party. He is a township central committeeman of the Republican party. (Union Co. Hist.)